Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 3, 2017

Angela Merkel visits Donald Trump in Washington

During her stay Trump asks her: "Tell me Chancellor Merkel, what's the secret of your years of success?"

Chancellor Merkel responds: "Well I have always surrounded myself with intelligent people."

"Very interesting", says Trump, "but how exactly do you know if they are intelligent?"

"Well I just ask them a couple of simple questions. By their response I can quickly determine whether someone is intelligent or not."

"Would you mind showing me how to do that?" Trump asks.

Angela picks up the phone and calls Wolfgang Schäuble, her Minister of Finance and asks: "it's the son of your father but it's not your brother. Who is it?" The Minister replies: "That's easy, it's obviously me!"

Totally impressed Trump returns to the oval office and calls up his Vice-president Michael Pence. "Mike I have a question for you. It's the son of your father but it's not your brother. Who is it?" Micheal stalls for a moment, not knowing the answer. He tells Trump that he will sleep over it.

In the morning he wakes up still without a solution. So he rings up Barack Obama and passes the riddle to him. Obama immediately respons: "Well that's me!"

Relieved Michael calls up Trump and exclaims: "I got the answer to your's Barack Obama!!!"

After a moment of silence, Trump explodes: "No you idiot, it's Wolfgang Schäuble!!!"

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