Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 2, 2018

A woman is sitting beside a businessman on an airplane...

The businessman is quite bored, so he tries to get the woman to play a game with him. "Let's play a game. We take turns asking questions. If I can't answer one of yours, I'll pay you 5 bucks, but if you can't answer one of mine, then you'll give me 5 bucks."

The woman ignores him and tries to sleep.

"Okay, how about if I lose I give you 100 dollars, and you only give me 5."

Again, the woman declines.

"Okay, okay, how about I give you 1000 dollars if I lose?"

The woman, finally had enough, agrees. The businessman goes first."What's the circumference of the sun?"

The woman doesn't know and pays him 5 dollars. Then she asks the businessman "What has 6 legs, goes up a hill with 10 legs, and comes down with 5 legs?"

The businessman realizes he has no clue of the answer, and he would have to pay up. He searches it up on google, asks everyone on the plane, and calls all his friends, but no one knew the answer. At last, he reluctantly pays the woman 1000 dollars. The woman, satisfied, goes back to sleep.

The businessman taps her shoulder. "I have one last question. What was the answer?"

The woman sighs and takes out 5 dollars.

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