Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 9, 2018

Two friends are discussing...

"Look, I have this thing going," says John. "I fell in love with our pastor's wife so we're having an affair. I haven't seen her for few days and I'm urging to do so. Could you be a buddy and keep our pastor occupied while I... go do the thing?"

His friend, Bill, reluctantly agrees. It's a sin he's agreed to help to commit. He goes to pastor and starts asking all sorts of random questions. He tries and tries, but pastor happens to be a wise man who sees that Bill is not sincere.

So, after sweating a bit, Bill confesses. That yes, he's just delaying the pastor from going home because his friend John is bedding pastor's wife.

Pastor scratches his head a bit. Doesn't get even angry.

"Bill," he says, "my wife's been dead for two years. There's no reason to keep me occupied... But if I were you, I'd run home really quick right now...!"

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