Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 3, 2019

Two priests go into the shower

In the shower they notice that their are no soap.

One of them says "Il go to my room and bring 2 soap bars" runs naked to the room, grabs 2 bars of soap and when he was running back...

3 nuns show up, first thing he remembers to do "freezes like a statue"..

Nuns look at the statue and say "Such a beautiful figure, perfectly shaped"

One of them, looking to the priest's "toy soldier" decides do pull it....

The priest's reaction to the enormous pain makes him drop one of the soap bars

The nun concludes then, that it is no statue.... It actually is a soap machine!!

The second nun happily does exactly the same and the priest drops the second bar of soap!

The third nun pulls it once.... Nothing... Pulls it twice..... Nothing.... Pulls it thrice.... Nothing... Pulls it again and again and again.... And finnaly marveled she says:

"Lord be praised... It also gives shower gel!!"

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