Thứ Năm, 6 tháng 10, 2016

Moses and Jesus decide to play golf.

First hole is a par 4, fairly straight but there's a pond that stretches from the front of the tee to a spot about 200 yards down the fairway. Jesus pulls a 4-iron out of his bag and steps up to the tee.

Moses can't believe it. "A 4-iron? Are you nuts? You can't clear the water with that!"

Jesus waves him off "Chill. Arnold Palmer has done it a hundred times." He tees off and the ball goes 175 yards; right into the pond. Moses sighs, parts the water, and Jesus walks out to pick up the ball. He gets back and tees up again with the 4-iron.

"Look." Moses says "I told you once already; for you, this is a 5-wood at best."

"Nonsense! I've seen Arnold Palmer do it." He takes his swing and four seconds later, ball meets water again.

Once more the same routine. Moses sighs, parts water, Jesus gets ball and tees up. Moses tells him not to use the 4-iron again. Jesus says how he was once with Arnold Palmer when he did it. Moses says he's not parting the water a 3rd time. Jesus shrugs and swings. Once more, the ball lands in the water.

Moses says "You're on you're own now, bro".

Jesus, a little sheepish, walks over to the edge of the pond, then directly onto the water itself. As he strides across the pond, another foursome comes up to the tee.

One of the golfers says to his partner "Who's that guy think he is; Jesus Christ?"

"No," says Moses "Arnold Palmer."

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