Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 2, 2017

The gorilla at the zoo died, and to cover it up the zoo owners made one of the workers wear a gorilla suit and act the part.

The guy adjusted quickly to the role and through his crazy antics soon became one of the most popular exhibits in the zoo.

One day, he was swinging from his rope, going higher and higher as a crowd of excited children cheered. Suddenly, the rope snapped and the gorilla-man flew out of the enclosure into the neighbouring lion pen!

Everyone freaked out and started screaming as the lion advanced on him. "Save me, I'm a man!! SAVE ME, I'M A MAN!" he shrieked, but no one heard him over the crowd.

The lion pounced on top of him, pinning him to the ground. He knew it was over, but he tried one more time to call for help. "HELP!! I'M NOT A GORILLA, I'M A-"

A huge paw clamped down over his mouth. " Shut up already, the lion hissed, "before we both lose our jobs!"

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