When the young seminary graduate arrived at the small country Church to preach his first official sermon, he noticed it had snowed about three feet deep just hours before Church was scheduled to begin. Due to the snow, An elderly, white bearded farmer was the only person to show up for the service.
The young minister looked at the farmer and asked, "What do you think we should do?"
The farmer scratched his beard thoughtfully. "Well, I don't know much about preaching, but I do know about farming. If I went down to the pasture with a load of hay to feed my cows and only one cow showed up, I'd feed that cow."
The seminary graduate said, "That's great! You sit right there and I'll preach you a sermon."
After about ninety minutes of preaching hellfire and brimstone, the seminary graduate concluded his sermon. Feeling pretty proud of his accomplishment, the preacher turned to the farmer and asked, "Well, how was it?"
The farmer scratched his beard thoughtfully. "Like I said, I don't know much about preaching, but I do know about farming. Like I told you, if I went down to the field with a load of hay and only one cow showed up, I'd feed that one cow. But, there's just one thing."
"What's that?" the preacher asked.
The farmer replied, "I wouldn't feed her the whole load."