Funny Story

FunnyStory about animals and all around the world

Funny Video

Funny Video about animals and all around the world! :)

Funny Picture

Funny picture about animals and all around the world :)

Funny Game

Play game and comfortable :)

Funny Funny

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 5, 2019

I keep asking what LGBT stands for...

But I'm not getting any straight answers

A blonde's office computer had technical issues

IT support came over to the desk and said he needed password to access her account.

"It's 'MickeyMinnieBatmanSupergirlWonderwomanLondon'" she replied.

"A bit unusual for a password, how did you come up with it?" the support dude asked.

She went "Because computer said the password has to be at least 5 characters and have a capital"

I got a vasectomy but my gf still got pregnant.

Apparently, all a vasectomy does is change the color of the baby.

How can you tell a construction worker from a chemist?

You ask him to pronounce “Unionized“

What do you call kids born in whorehouses?

Brothel sprouts

Why does Irish chili only have 239 beans?

Because anymore and it'd be too farty.

Why don’t you see many Mexican hockey players?

They try to avoid ICE at all costs.