Funny Story

FunnyStory about animals and all around the world

Funny Video

Funny Video about animals and all around the world! :)

Funny Picture

Funny picture about animals and all around the world :)

Funny Game

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Funny Funny

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Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 7, 2020

I was watching a porno and it was just this fat dude crying and jerking off

then I realised I hadn't turned my computer on yet

The nun teaching Sunday School was speaking to her class one morning and she asked the question: "When you die and go to Heaven... which part of your body goes first?"

Suzy raised her hand and said "I think it's your hands.” "Why do you think it's your hands, Suzy?" Suzy replied "Because when you pray, you hold your hands together in front of you and God just takes your hands first.” “What a wonderful answer!" the nun said.

Little Johnny raised his hand and said "Sister, I think it's your feet.” The nun looked at him with the strangest look on her face. "Now Johnny, why do you think it would be your feet?" Little Johnny said "Well, I walked into mommy and daddy’s bedroom the other night. Mommy had her legs straight up in the air and she was saying ‘Oh God, I'm coming.’ I gotta tell you, if dad hadn't pinned her down, we'd have lost her!"

These times are harder on people with disabilities.

My dwarf friend is struggling to put food on the table

A s‌‌ixteen y‌‌ear-old b‌‌oy c‌‌ame h‌‌ome w‌‌ith a‌‌ b‌‌rand n‌‌ew F‌‌ord F‌‌150.

His p‌‌arents l‌‌ook a‌‌t t‌‌he t‌‌ruck a‌‌nd a‌‌sk, "‌‌Where d‌‌id y‌‌ou g‌‌et t‌‌hat t‌‌ruck?!"

"I b‌‌ought i‌‌t t‌‌oday," h‌‌e s‌‌ays.

"With w‌‌hat m‌‌oney?" s‌‌ays h‌‌is m‌‌other. They k‌‌new w‌‌hat a‌‌ n‌‌ew F‌‌150 c‌‌ost.

"Well," h‌‌e s‌‌ays, "‌‌this o‌‌ne c‌‌ost m‌‌e j‌‌ust f‌‌ifteen d‌‌ollars."

The f‌‌ather l‌‌ooks a‌‌t h‌‌im l‌‌ike h‌‌e's c‌‌razy.

"Who w‌‌ould s‌‌ell a‌‌ t‌‌ruck l‌‌ike t‌‌hat f‌‌or f‌‌ifteen d‌‌ollars?" h‌‌e s‌‌ays.

"It w‌‌as t‌‌he l‌‌ady u‌‌p t‌‌he s‌‌treet," s‌‌ays t‌‌he b‌‌oy. "‌‌I d‌‌on't k‌‌now h‌‌er n‌‌ame -‌‌ t‌‌hey j‌‌ust m‌‌oved i‌‌n. S‌‌he s‌‌aw m‌‌e r‌‌ide p‌‌ast o‌‌n m‌‌y b‌‌ike a‌‌nd a‌‌sked m‌‌e i‌‌f I‌‌ w‌‌anted t‌‌o b‌‌uy h‌‌er F‌‌150 f‌‌or f‌‌ifteen d‌‌ollars."

"Oh m‌‌y G‌‌oodness!" s‌‌ays t‌‌he m‌‌other. "‌‌Maybe s‌‌he's m‌‌entally i‌‌ll o‌‌r h‌‌as A‌‌lzheimer's s‌‌omething. J‌‌ohn, y‌‌ou b‌‌etter g‌‌o s‌‌ee w‌‌hat's g‌‌oing o‌‌n."

So t‌‌he b‌‌oy's f‌‌ather w‌‌alks u‌‌p t‌‌he s‌‌treet t‌‌o t‌‌he h‌‌ouse w‌‌here t‌‌he l‌‌ady l‌‌ives a‌‌nd f‌‌inds h‌‌er o‌‌ut i‌‌n t‌‌he y‌‌ard c‌‌almly p‌‌lanting p‌‌etunias.

He i‌‌ntroduces h‌‌imself a‌‌s t‌‌he f‌‌ather o‌‌f t‌‌he b‌‌oy t‌‌o w‌‌hom s‌‌he h‌‌ad s‌‌old a‌‌ n‌‌ew F‌‌ord F‌‌150 t‌‌ruck f‌‌or f‌‌ifteen d‌‌ollars a‌‌nd a‌‌sks t‌‌o k‌‌now w‌‌hy s‌‌he d‌‌id i‌‌t.

"Well," s‌‌he s‌‌ays, "‌‌two d‌‌ays a‌‌go m‌‌y h‌‌usband l‌‌eft o‌‌n a‌‌ b‌‌usiness t‌‌rip. Y‌‌esterday I‌‌ g‌‌ot a‌‌ p‌‌hone c‌‌all f‌‌rom h‌‌is b‌‌oss a‌‌nd f‌‌ound o‌‌ut t‌‌hat h‌‌e r‌‌eally r‌‌an o‌‌ff t‌‌o H‌‌awaii w‌‌ith h‌‌is s‌‌ecretary a‌‌nd d‌‌oesn't i‌‌ntend t‌‌o c‌‌ome b‌‌ack."

"Oh, m‌‌y g‌‌oodness, I‌‌'m s‌‌o s‌‌orry," t‌‌he f‌‌ather s‌‌ays. "‌‌But w‌‌hat d‌‌oes t‌‌hat h‌‌ave t‌‌o d‌‌o w‌‌ith m‌‌y s‌‌on a‌‌nd y‌‌our t‌‌ruck?"

"Well, t‌‌his m‌‌orning h‌‌e c‌‌alled a‌‌nd t‌‌old m‌‌e h‌‌e w‌‌as s‌‌tranded b‌‌ecause h‌‌e g‌‌ot r‌‌obbed o‌‌f h‌‌is w‌‌allet w‌‌ith a‌‌ll h‌‌is c‌‌redit c‌‌ards a‌‌nd c‌‌ash. H‌‌e t‌‌old m‌‌e t‌‌o s‌‌ell h‌‌is n‌‌ew F‌‌150 a‌‌nd s‌‌end h‌‌im t‌‌he m‌‌oney. S‌‌o I‌‌ d‌‌id."

I recently bought my pet duck a mask, to protect it from corona virus...

It’s nothing flashy, but it fits the bill

A man walks into his bedroom and sees his wife packing a suitcase.

A man walks into his bedroom and sees his wife packing a suitcase. He says, “What are you doing?” She answers, “I’m moving to New York. I heard prostitutes there get paid $100 for doing what I do for you for free!”

Later that night, while on her way out, the wife walks into the bedroom and sees her husband packing his suitcase. When she asks him where he’s going, he replies, “I’m going to New York, too. I want to see you live on $200 a year!

I feel bad for children of gay couples.

They either suffer twice as many dad jokes or an endless cycle of ask your mother.