So this cowboy goes out riding. Gets captured by natives and is told that now is a holy time so he may live in their camp for 3 days while the holy time comes to a close. The cowboy agrees (like he had a choice)
First day he askes his guard if he can go talk to his horse. The guard wants to know why. So he explains that he had been with his horse for 10 years and just wants to bid him farewell. So the guard thinks about and finally agrees. So the cowboy goes up to his horse, whispers in the horses eat and the horse takes off like a streak of lightning. Smiling to himself he goes back to his tent. 2 hours later the horse comes moseying back, a pair of naked girls on his back. The girls and the cowboy head in to the tent and have sex.
Second day. He askes guard again if he can go talk to his horse. The guard says I see what you're up to. The cowboy says you do? The guard nods and says I get her after you do. Cowboy shrugs, heads down to the pen with his horses is. again he whispered in the horses ear, horse takes off again like a streak of lightning about 3 hours later the horse comes moseying back he's got three naked girls on his back so the guard, the girls and the cowboy go and have an orgy.
Third day. The day of his death. The cowboy askes again to talk to the horse, the guards tells him he doesn't have time to have sex, the cowboy says I know, this time I mean it I just wanna say good by to him. He was a good horse and I wanna tell hime so. So the guard let's the cowboy down to the pen and he goes over to his horse, the cowboy grabs the horse's rains, looks him dead in the eye and screams out at the top of his lungs.... I. SAID. POSSE!!!!