Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 2, 2020

An airplane if flying over the middle of an ocean and an engine fails, causing it to slowly decline.

The pilot announces, “Folks as you can see, we are no where near land and losing altitude fast as we are at capacity. We’ve already thrown out all luggage and still declining. We are going to have to take a drastic step and begin sacrificing passengers on board.” Everyone begins to squirm in their seats..

“It was voted that we start this process alphabetically. Let’s starts with A, African Americans. If there are any African Americans on board, please raise your hand to sacrifice yourself for the remaining 300 people.

Nobody moves.

“I’m sorry I’m sorry that wasn’t fair. Let’s go with B. Black People. If there are any black people on board please raise your hand to be sacrificed.”

Still, nobody moves.

“Okay, okay, we let’s move on as this needs to be done. Let’s go to C. Coons. If there are any coons on the plane, please advise a stewardess immediately.

Confused, a young African American boy looks at his Dad and says “Daddy, don’t people call us all 3 of those things?”

To which his Dad responds, “Yes son they do. But today we’re nig%#$rs, the Mexicans are going first.”

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