man walks int a bar looking rather dejected .walks up tot eh bar and orders 4 shots of tequila
bartender says " geez man , whats wrong ?"
the guy says " i just found out my youngest son is gay "
the bartender says " aw man , thats sucks . Tell you what , the drinks are on me "
so the guy drinks the shots and leaves .
2 weeks later the same guy walks in the bar and orders 4 shots of teqila .
bartender says " what happened now ?"
the guy says " i just found out my oldests son is gay "
the bartender says " man , that's rough , drinks are on me again "
the guy drinks his shots and leaves the bar
2 weeks later the same guy walks in the bar and orders 4 shots of tequila
the bartender says " jesus man ! doesn't anyone in your family like pussy ?"
the guy responds " yea, apparently my wife !